A Poet Once Said

What will your verse be?

APOS is a research and arts community championing self-expression and a humanist approach to modern problems.

Magic Meets Modern Life

APOS or ‘A Poet Once Said’ offers resources to encourage self-expression and beauty in modern life. Poetry often attempts to put into words the intangible- what needs to be said beyond facts and figures.

Our take on modern life is as concerned with the practical as it is the romantic.

The City

A research and resource collection that explores urban development approaches, the relationship between people and place, and systems for fostering community.

Writing Resources

Self-exploration is at the heart of APOS. Our resource page features tools that encourage self-discovery through writing.

Now Playing

APOS Presents, A Playlist For Every Season

A curated seasonal playlist offering- coming soon.
Winter in New York (Coming Soon)
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